Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day One of "The Evil That Men Do"

With "Bounty Benn" filmed, we move on to our third vignette of Knucklehead Horror. A movie hitmen, satanic cults, and all around murder. We present to you:
Chris Briggs
 And here he is! Mister Director Chris Briggs. He's our big horror movie lover, as you can see.
Chris Krider is here as producer and assistant director. Seems right that he's standing next to a Pulp Fiction poster.
 This is Oscar one of the stars of the movie playing the character Wesson. I play Smith.
 Joining us are AJ and Jackie, both opening kills and make up people.
 At first, we awaited our director to finish his shot list. This one is a very ambitious one for him, as you will soon see.
 Once he finished, we were off. 
 First up, the Mall!
 "Yes, Chris, the Mall."
 As I said, these AJ is our opening kill. Where in the mall?
 This photo booth!
 We planed with great care, and we were responsible in getting what we needed. We just needed to show the booth. The kill will be done somewhere else.
 Next, it's off to the bar for the next scene in the movie.

 A tight shot as you can see.
 Mean while, I checked out Brigg's mini zoo. Check it out! Fish, lizards, and snakes!

 Next, a few shots with a green screen in a car. A thing you do when filming while driving is hard.

 Chris is now gonna use that giant can of spray paint he's defying gravity to see so he may paint that transparent pellet gun in his hand.

 So real!

 We worked on and on until late at night. Which ended in a nice rain storm. We got what we needed, though.
 And so Oscar now returns to the shadows until he is needed again.

So ends the first day of our third short in our grand epic of horrific awesomeness. And with that, we give you a vlog entry to cap the day. Until next time, good viewers.

-Sam Sterling

Friday, June 21, 2013

Day Three of "Bounty Benn"

Our final day working on the movie 
Sam Sterling
 Today, we show the face of Bounty Benn. An amalgamation of other masks put together with liquid latex and duct tape. Make it as creepy and monstrous as possible.

 AJ's been a real trooper working in that costume. Especially when it comes to fight scenes. I've had to wear that thing. It's not fun.
 Jacky's here to help us with the make up with the make up and costumes. She's great with that stuff.
Here's our star actress Lizzy here to play bounty hunter character Jane Karver. She and Benn fight this day. I didn't get many pics, but a lot of vids, most of which I will post on a separate entry. For now, a Day Three sum up:

-Sam Sterling

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Day Two of "Bounty Benn"

It's time for Day Two of the movie. There are less pics for it, but there are still crazy things to see for
Samuel Sterling
 Today, we use a hand. A severed one. Chris and I did our best to color it to the actor who will be losing it.
 But Josh here wanted to show his amazing are skillz and made it look really amazing.
 Our lead, AJ, here is just hanging out waiting to tear shit up.
 Here's my reliable Acer with the script open on it. If you squint you could see it.
 Arriving on the set, is Nick Russo, director of the last movie we did. He's here as sound guy. And the guy who will be losing his arm.
 That's right! His arm. He's not just losing a hand. Crazy things will happen this day.
 Costumes are ready.
 Sound's ready.
And the arm is ready. Lets make a movie.

Like I said, not enough pics taken since I was so busy. But, hey, the vid works this time! Enjoy.

-Samuel Sterling

Friday, June 14, 2013

Day One for "Bounty Benn"

Now we reveal the second segment of our horror anthology Knucklehead Horror. This one is like a combination of RoboCop meets Frankenstein. I wrote and I directed. It's called:
Samuel Sterling
 For the first thing, we needed a green screen. Don't worry it's not over used... much.
 For Crows I shaved off my beard, but for this movie I shaved my head. No hair on top!! Directing hairless.
 I also have my faithful, hard working crew.
 Assistant Director Chris Briggs playing with the Props.
 Julie, Macky, and Ash are here as assistants for costumes and props.
 Josh Floyd is ensuring that the camera is ready for action.
 Here are some of the strange props we're using for this movie. You'll see em used one by one.
 First, I reveal the face of our hero: Bounty Benn. With his red welders mask and big smile.
 And one of the many criminals he faces: Coolthulhu, played by Chris Krider.

 That's me in the Bounty Benn costume. Our lead wasn't available so we shot with me in the costume. It's not bad.

 Briggs is bloodying up. He's one of the criminal victims in the movie. Playing Coolthulhu's partner War Pig.

 This is what happens to War Pig.
That's mostly it. Sadly, since I was directing and stressing I didn't get much blogging done. I did a vid for the end of the day recap, but the footage was corrupted. Just gonna say: We worked hard that day. Worked from noon to midnight. So, keep watching, and we'll reveal Day Two of this crazy film soon.

-Sam Sterling