Here we are, rehearsing the first segment of my film THE CHAINSAW DIARIES, with Nick and Doris: Two of the finest actors we've had the privilege to work with. Nick is an actor I met working on a play a few months back. He's an actor with a distinct sadness to him: Like James Duvall in Totally Fucked Up. I wrote the role of Eddie with him in mind. Audrey, our one eyed, pregnant protagonist proved tricky: As my background is in theater, most of the actresses I know are theater actresses. Don't ask me why, but theatre actresses don't seem to keen on being in a brutally violent pychosexual melodrama. Go figure. So the best option was to hold an audition. Doris was one of the first to call, and her continuing tenacity and wonderful reading (she actually cried a little while reading a particularly emotional scene, which was fucked up, but great) she nailed the role of Audrey. A physically and emotionally challenging role, every scene proved a different and rewarding challenge. DIARIES is a film in three segments. The goal is to get at least one third of the film in the can before the end of March. This is a wonderful and horrifying prospect, but hopefully we'll have a teaser trailer up by summer, with the long term goal being that golden calf of all filmmakers: SUNDANCE.
-Director and Writer, Christopher Krider
That was from our director and writer, who has been working hard the past few months to get this film rolling. As he said, we are lucky and priveleged to have so many fun, hard working actors with us for this movie. Saturday was yet another rehearsal for our movie and here are some images for you to view.
Here's our leading lady, Dorris, sitting back listening to ideas. She gave some pretty good ones of her own, too. Check out that pregnant belly, by the way. Pretty good, I think. She's got a lot of determination for the part of Dorris.
Nick here came up with tons of ideas for his character, Eddie. He's really getting into it, and check out that black eye. Real or fake?
And here's our director, Chris heading the movie. He's happy to have such a creative team and cast to work with him.
Dorris and Nick read all of their scenes, without the script, and also did some blocking for them, with Chris's direction.
For instance, here they are doing some fake punching. This was a first for both Nick and Dorris.Wonder what this will be used for.
Here we are working on my scene as Reno. Reno and Audry have a strange scene together.
And now we close out with me looking through my stabbed hand. I'm just gonna say it wasn't my fault.
-Sam Sterling
P.S. This is our tenth post!!